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5 Strategies To Cope With Soreness After A Massage

Written by Chris Corrales

September 4, 2022

If you’re like most people, you probably feel pretty good after a massage. The tension is gone, the knots are untangled, and you feel relaxed and refreshed. But what happens when the feeling wears off and the soreness sets in? Don’t worry – we’ve got 5 strategies to help you cope with soreness after a massage and recover quickly!

Here are the five strategies to cope with soreness after a massage:

1. Rest and relaxation: Massages are great for relaxing your body and mind, but don’t forget about the recovery time! Take it easy after a massage by getting plenty of rest to allow muscles some much-needed relief. You might even want take one or two naps during this phase so you can feel refreshed when things get back into full swing again

2. Hydration: Without water, you will feel thirsty and fatigue is a common side effect of not drinking enough.Staying hydrated after massages can help reduce inflammation in the body as well so make sure to drink plenty throughout your day or else suffer from headaches due to low levels like I did last time around.

3. Gentle movement: The best way to relieve soreness is by taking it easy, but if you really need some help then light stretching or even walking around the house could be helpful. Just make sure not to push yourself because that will just make matters worse!

4. Ice: If you’re feeling particularly sore, ice can help reduce inflammation and pain. Apply ice for 20 minutes at a time, several times throughout the day.

5. Heat: If you’re struggling with muscle spasms, heat can be helpful. Take a warm bath or use a heating pad on the affected area. Just be careful not to overdo it – too much heat can actually make the pain worse!

We hope these strategies help you cope with soreness after your next massage! Remember, the key is to take it easy and listen to your body. If you’re still feeling sore after a few days, consult your doctor or masseuse.

Why Does This Happen? 

We can all agree that a massage feels amazing while you’re getting it. But there are some less-than-amazing side effects that come along with it, the most common being soreness afterwards. 

Number One: you just exerted yourself in a way you’re not used to. Most of us don’t spend our days walking around with our hands above our heads or leaning over to one side for extended periods of time – but that’s pretty much what you do during a massage. It’s not surprising that your muscles would be tired and achy after such an atypical workout.

Number Two: your blood flow has increased. Massage therapy helps to increase circulation throughout the body, which can sometimes lead to soreness in the muscles.

Number Three: your lymphatic system has been stimulated. This system is responsible for removing toxins from the body, and massaging can help to move stagnant lymph fluid. However, this process can sometimes cause discomfort.

Number Four: you’ve released a lot of built-up tension. Tense muscles can often lead to pain and discomfort, so it’s no surprise that letting go of all that tension can leave your body feeling a bit sore afterwards.

Number Five: you may have some bruises. While most massage therapists are very careful not to bruise their clients, it can happen occasionally – especially if you’re receiving a deep tissue massage.

Number Six: you may have pulled a muscle. This is most likely to happen if you tense up during the massage or if the therapist applies too much pressure.

Number Seven: you might be dehydrated. It’s important to drink plenty of water before and after your massage, as the increased circulation can lead to dehydration.

Number Eight: you could be experiencing DOMS. DOMS, or delayed onset muscle soreness, is pain that usually develops 12-24 hours after exercise – and it can also be caused by massage therapy.

Number Nine: you might have an injury. If you have an underlying injury that’s been aggravated by the massage, you may experience additional pain and soreness afterwards.

Number Ten: you could be coming down with something. If you’re starting to feel sick, it’s possible that the massage has exacerbated your symptoms.

So there you have it – the top ten reasons why your body might be hurting after a massage. If you’re ever in doubt, always consult with your therapist – they’ll be able to help you figure out what’s going on and provide guidance on how to proceed.

Whether you’re feeling the soreness of intense massage or a lighter touch, these five strategies can help ease the pain and speed up healing. We hope you find them helpful! If not, be sure to check with your massage therapist about other ways to cope with post-massage soreness. And as always, thanks for reading!

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