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Posture Specialist 101: All the Basics You Need to Know in 2022

Written by Chris Corrales

June 20, 2022

What do you know about posture specialists? If you’re like most people, not much. But believe it or not, posture specialists are more common than you think and can play a big role in your overall health. In this post, we’ll provide an introduction to posture specialists and cover all the basics you need to know in 2022. So whether you’re just curious about what they do or are considering working with one, read on for everything you need to know!


What Is Posture?

Posture is simply the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting, or lying down. When you hear “good posture” that means that the body is aligned correctly with the right amount of muscle tension. Whether you’re sitting, standing, running, walking, or lying down, gravity is constantly exerting force on your muscles and joints and those muscles have to maintain the right amount of muscle tension to keep you from crumbling to the ground.

Posture is something we don’t typically think about consciously and that’s probably because we have certain muscles that handle it for us without us having to think about it. Several groups of muscles contribute to your posture and when any of these muscles are too tight they can create bad posture and cause pain.

What Is the Correct Posture?

When you’re in a standing position with the correct posture, your weight should sit primarily on the balls of your feet. Your knees will be bent slightly (not locked) and you want to keep your feet about shoulder-width apart. Allow your arms to naturally hang down by the sides of your body as you stand straight and tall with your shoulders pulled back. Your chin should remain parallel with the ground so that it is not pulling your head in any particular direction. It’s simply resting on top of your spinal column.

Many people have to consciously work on sitting with correct posture because they have developed so many bad habits. If you’re sitting properly your feet should be firmly planted on the floor, not crossed. Your ankles should be in front of your knees so make sure you aren’t sweeping them backward and tucking them behind your knees. You may be more comfortable using a backrest to support your low- and mid-back so don’t hesitate to use a back support. Relax your shoulders and keep your chin parallel to the ground.

Pay careful attention to your chin to avoid bad posture. Are you looking down at a screen or jutting your head forward? You may need to lift your screen so that it is more ergonomically correct and encourages correct posture.

Why Is Bad Posture So Bad?

Bad posture can cause a host of problems including pain, muscle fatigue, and even organ damage. When we slouch our muscles have to work harder to keep us upright and that can lead to muscle strain. Additionally, poor posture can compress the spine leading to back pain or neck pain. It can also cause headaches.

When our posture is out of alignment it puts unnecessary stress on our joints which can lead to joint pain or degenerative joint diseases such as arthritis. Additionally, bad posture can cause digestive problems, as well as respiratory problems. And finally, poor posture can lead to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

What is a Posture Specialist?

A posture specialist is a health professional who specializes in the assessment and treatment of posture-related problems. They use a variety of techniques to help people improve their posture and relieve pain. Posture specialists often work with people who have desk jobs or who sit for long periods. They may also work with athletes or people who have suffered an injury.

What do Posture Specialists Do?

Posture specialists help people improve their posture and relieve pain. They use a variety of techniques to help people improve their posture, including:


  • Exercises: Posture specialists may prescribe specific exercises to help improve your posture.


  • Posture training: Posture specialists may also provide posture training. This may involve education on how to sit, stand, and move in ways that minimize pain and improve your posture.


  • Ergonomic modifications: Posture specialists may make changes to your workstation or home environment to help improve your posture. This may involve changes to your furniture, computer setup, or the way you do everyday tasks.


  • Manual therapy: Posture specialists may use manual therapy techniques to help improve your posture. This may involve massage, stretching, or joint mobilization.

So there you have it- posture specialist basics. We hope that this article has been informative and helpful. If you are in the market for a posture specialist, or would like to learn more about our services, please do not hesitate to call us today. Our team of experts is more than happy to answer any questions you may have and help get you on the path to better posture!

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