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How Do You Do An Ergonomic Assessment?

Written by Chris Corrales

May 9, 2022

Do you know how to do an ergonomic assessment? Many people don’t, but it’s a skill that is important for anyone who wants to stay healthy and productive. In this blog post, we will discuss what an ergonomic assessment is and how to perform one. We’ll also provide some tips on keeping your workspace healthy and ergonomic!

Understanding Ergonomic Assessment

They say that prevention is worth more than cure and this quote couldn’t be any closer to the truth. An ergonomic assessment can help you identify risk factors in your workplace which may lead not only to fewer injuries but also to increased productivity among employees!

A thorough analysis of these problems should start with a consultation from one or two professionals who have experience performing them so they are aware of what steps need to be taken next based on their findings – after all, we don’t want anyone getting injured doing there job right?

5 Steps for Doing an Ergonomic Assessment in the Workplace

The goal of an ergonomic assessment is simple: To find ways in which you can improve your work environment and how employees interact with it. But there’s more than just evaluating the physical space that goes into conducting this kind of study; we also need to take note of what type of equipment our staff members use while performing their tasks so as not to miss any potential issues before they become serious problems down the line! Here are five steps everyone should follow when completing a successful Ergonomics Assessment program-especially if their job involves using computers extensively.

1. Review Existing Data

Take the time to become familiar with your workplace injury reports, worker’s compensation claims data, and any other information you might have available. As a starting point for an ergonomics assessment simply review what has already been compiled but don’t stop there! Think about which activities pose a higher risk or complaint rates among employees in order to get an accurate picture of potential problems before they arise – this will save both money spent on health care costs as well their productivity when it comes down right away.

2. Identify Problem Areas

After you have a good understanding of where potential hazards might exist, it’s time to take a closer look at the physical environment and work processes in order to identify any ergonomic risk factors that may be present. This can be done by conducting interviews with employees, observing them while they work, or reviewing safety audits that have already been completed.

3. Evaluate the Risks

Now that you know where problems exist, it’s important to evaluate how severe these risks are so that you can prioritize which ones need to be addressed first. For example, a company might decide to implement an engineering control for workers who use computers extensively before addressing another issue like poor lighting because the former presents a greater hazard.

4. Make Recommendations

Once you have evaluated the risks and decided which ones need to be addressed, it’s time to make recommendations on how to improve the ergonomics of the workplace. These might include changes to workstation design, improving lighting or ventilation, modifying work processes, or providing employees with personal protective equipment.

5. Monitor and Evaluate

After implementing your recommendations, it’s important to monitor the situation and make sure that they are effective in reducing ergonomic risks. This can be done by conducting follow-up interviews or surveys with employees, observing them while they work, or reviewing safety audits that have already been completed. If you find that problems still exist after making changes, don’t hesitate to go back and re-evaluate the situation so that you can find a different solution.

An ergonomic assessment is a great way to identify potential hazards in the workplace and make recommendations on how to improve the safety of employees. By following these five steps, you can be sure that you are conducting a thorough study that will lead to a safer and more productive workplace!

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about ergonomic assessments, please contact us today! We would be happy to help you create a safer work environment for your employees.

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