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Don’t Let Scoliosis Stop You

Many people think that Charles Darwin said, evolution belongs to the strongest or fittest, what he really said is, it belongs to the most adaptable.

Did you know that some of the greatest athletes of our time, in particular Usain Bolt and Natalie Coughlin were diagnosed with scoliosis?

Early in my life massage had an impact on my health, but when I received a 10-series of Rolf Structural Integration, bodywork had a new impact and without knowing it gave me a new degree of meaning and adaptability in life!

As individuals a drop of the ocean of our entire culture. Look at great people and companies, much of greatness is based on our ability to adapt. Facebook says, “Fail fast”. At Stanford University, Professor and researcher Carol Dwek in her book Mindset did done an amazing job of bringing us data and stories that contrast the differences between a growth vs a fixed mindset.

Here’s an interview with Dr. Dwek by one of my favorite interviewers, Tom Bilyeu. Check her out, and definitely check out Tom’s Impact Theory where he talks to some of the most successful people today.

Who wants to stay stuck? I get depressed without life’s challenges. There’s only winning and learning and moving forward means going out on a new limb and exploring.

Exploring triggers brain adaptability. In Rolf Structural Integration we explore movement on various levels for brain and body adaptability.

Neuroscience is the foundation of my practice, especially those who come in to get out of pain or to better understand how they can level up performance.

In two weeks I leave for the Fifth San Diego Pain Summit where I’ve volunteered for the last two years. At its inception it was the only multi-disciplinary conference on pain in the world! For my clients that’s significant.

The San Diego Pain Summit has given me a much, much, much broader perspective on helping people. If you haven’t seen my Yelp page you can clearly see that with Rolf Structural Integration I’ve been helping people for years, but now I help them in  mindset, nervous system regulation, movement, educate them on various mechanisms behind pain, take away some of the stigma around symptoms, etc. Pain is big and mindset should be at its foundation.

The San Diego Pain Summit has not only made me a better practitioner, but its given me and my clients more of our lives back!

If you’re ready to get unstuck, to feel openness and freedom, and to come back into control

call, text 925-922-2246 or email me with this link

We can do a free consultation, either in person or phone. Let me know!

To keep up on the progress of the new movement method I’m creating based on the backflip,

follow me on Facebook and Instagram



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