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Do You Need Massage For Sciatica Pain Relief? Take Our Quiz to Find Out


Written by Chris Corrales

July 7, 2022

Do you suffer from sciatica pain? If so, you’re not alone. Sciatica is a common condition that affects millions of people each year. Fortunately, there are many treatment options available, including massage therapy. In this article, we will take a look at the benefits of massage for sciatica pain relief and provide you with a quiz to help you determine if massage is the right treatment for you.

How Do You Know If You Need Massage For Sciatica Pain Relief?

If you’re dealing with sciatica pain, you may be wondering if massage can help. The answer isn’t always clear-cut, but this quiz can help you figure out if massage is right for your particular situation. Answer the following questions truthfully to get the most accurate results.

Take Our Quiz to Find Out!

How often do you experience sciatica pain?

  1. A) Once in a while, after activities like running or gardening 
  2. B) A few times a week, especially if I sit for long periods  
  3. C) Almost every day


When you do have sciatica pain, how would you describe it?

  1. A) Sharp, shooting pain that comes and goes quickly
  2. B) A dull ache that lingers for hours or even days  
  3. C) Constant burning or tingling sensations


What makes your sciatica pain better?

  1. A) Taking over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen
  2. B) Applying heat or ice to the affected area
  3. C) Stretching exercises prescribed by my doctor


What makes your sciatica pain worse?

  1. A) Sitting in one position for too long
  2. B) Wearing high heels
  3. C) Lifting heavy objects


Based on your answers, massage may be a good option for you if:

  • You experience sciatica pain a few times a week or less, and it is mostly a dull ache
  • Stretching exercises prescribed by your doctor help to relieve your pain
  • Your pain gets worse when you sit in one position for too long

If you answered mostly A’s:

You may benefit from massage as part of a larger treatment plan that includes other self-care measures like stretching and over-the-counter medication. Massage can help to increase blood flow and reduce inflammation, which can speed up the healing process.


If you answered mostly B’s:

Massage may be a good option for you, especially if you find that other self-care measures like stretching and over-the-counter medication are not providing enough relief. Massage can help to release tight muscles and reduce inflammation, which can provide significant pain relief.


If you answered mostly C’s:

Massage may not be the best option for you at this time. While it could provide some temporary relief, it is unlikely to provide long-term pain relief. You may want to consider other options like physical therapy or surgery.


How severe is your pain?

  • Severe: I am in constant pain and it significantly impacts my quality of life.
  • Moderate: I have pain that comes and goes, and it occasionally interferes with my daily activities.
  • Mild: I only experience pain occasionally, and it doesn’t usually impact my day-to-day life.


What is the main symptom you’re experiencing?

  • Numbness or tingling in one or both legs
  • Sharp, shooting pain in one or both legs
  • Dull, aching pain in one or both legs

Have you been diagnosed with a specific condition?

Yes: Please consult your doctor to see if the massage is right for you. In some cases, massage can make certain conditions worse. No: If you haven’t been diagnosed with a specific condition, massage is likely to be safe and effective.

Are you pregnant?

Yes: Please consult your doctor before booking a massage, as certain types of massage should be avoided during pregnancy. No: If you’re not pregnant, massage is likely to be safe and effective.

Sciatica can develop during pregnancy if your developing a baby and increase uterus strain on your sciatic nerve, which can result in inflammation, irritation, and pain. If you get sharp aches that begin in your lower back and travel down your legs, you may have sciatica. As your baby grows and weighs more, sciatica is more likely to develop later in your pregnancy. The added weight causes strain on the nerve.

The common symptoms of sciatica

Radiating pain in the lower back that may move into the glute and down the leg to the foot is one of the typical signs of sciatica. Others feel more of an electric jolt or burning feeling down their leg, while some people describe the pain as a dull aching along the sciatic nerve’s course. On the affected leg, additional tingling, numbness, or weakness may also be felt. Although sciatica usually only affects one side of the body, it can affect both sides as well.


The common causes of sciatica

Some spinal diseases that affect the normal alignment of the lumbar spine’s vertebrae and intervertebral discs, such as bulging or herniated discs, spinal stenosis, piriformis syndrome, and others, are common causes of sciatica. It is possible for other disorders, such as SI joint dysfunction and IT band syndrome, to mimic sciatic pain down the leg. The piriformis muscle, which is located deep in your glute, is typically a primary contributor to sciatica pain in these situations.

Given the wide range of potential causes, it is important to speak with your doctor to identify the exact source of your discomfort. This will allow you to develop a customized treatment plan and sciatic pain reduction workout regimen that will result in long-term improvements.


How can you stop suffering from sciatica?

The way you live your life and take care of your body can have a pretty major impact on the risk of having sciatic nerve pain, even though some causes of sciatica may be inherited in nature. The muscles, bones, joints, discs, and nerves can all work effectively when your body is strong and aligned, which lowers your risk of pain or injury.

  • Improve your body’s alignment to reduce pain
  • Get tips and advice from experts
  • Treatment that fits your lifestyle
  • Solutions for every stage of life

Are You an Athlete Experiencing Pain But Don’t Know Where to Turn for Help?

Beyond Ergonomics gives athletes and desk professionals answers to their pain problems. Body imbalances, repetitive use, and lack of movement are the cause of many injuries and pain. Beyond Ergonomics helps you discover your imbalances and create change. MedicinEvolution’s purpose is to reduce pain and other symptoms that you haven’t had luck with. MedicinEvolution Bodywork Beyond Massage is the solution for many problems plaguing your body.  Make your appointment today!

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