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7 Quick Tips About Rolfing

Written by Chris Corrales

December 6, 2021

Rolfing is a therapeutic bodywork technique that focuses on the fascia and its role in shaping our bodies. This form of bodywork has been around since the 1930s, but it has only recently become popular as more people learn about the benefits of Rolfing. In this article, we will give you 7 quick tips to help you understand what Rolfing is and how it can help improve your health.

Why Is Rolfing A Good Idea?

    Rolfing is a great idea because it can help you with pain relief, increased mobility, and flexibility. Rolfing also helps to restore the body’s proper alignment. This can be especially useful for people who are experiencing chronic pain on one side of their back or hip area. Chronic pain in this area could indicate that your spine has shifted out of its natural position, which then causes other parts of the body to compensate by becoming misaligned as well. These imbalances contribute to painful muscle spasms and tension headaches among many other symptoms. By receiving treatments through rolfing, these imbalances will be corrected so that the spine returns to its original state allowing optimal function throughout your entire system improving posture along reducing any stress placed on your body.

What To Expect About Rolfing

    Rolfing can be a life-changing experience for some people. Rolfing is the process of realigning muscles and connective tissue to help with pain relief, injury prevention, increased flexibility, and improved posture. Here are seven tips on which Rolfing bodywork can help you change your life:

1. Rolfing can help you change your posture.

    People who sit in front of computer ills can benefit greatly from Rolfing, which is a type of bodywork that helps clients change their posture by releasing fascia and scar tissue. Rolfers use gentle pressure on the body to increase movement range and facilitate deeper relaxation. The goal is to achieve better balance among muscles, organs, bones, nerves, and blood vessels so you feel more comfortable when sitting or standing up straight for extended periods.

2. Rolfing can help those who suffer from chronic pain and injuries.

    The technique can help with injuries that have not responded to other therapies. Rolfing is meant to treat the shortening of fibers in muscles, ligaments, and tendons which are often caused by injury. This treatment helps restore flexibility through soft tissue manipulation, movement education, and hands-on work.

3. For better results series of treatments is required.

    It is not possible to receive a ton of results from just one treatment. You must go through a series for it to work properly. Therefore, if you see someone advertising that they can give Rolfing after only one visit you should be skeptical about their claims and qualifications because it simply won’t help much at all. The more treatments you get the better your body will feel over time! It may take some effort on your part but it’s worth every penny when you consider how great this therapy works with each session.

4. Rolfing can help you learn to move better.

    One of the biggest changes that people experience is moving more freely and with less discomfort once they have finished several sessions. If your therapist uses movement education as part of their process, this will show you how to make small movements that may be able to release tense muscles, enhancing relaxation even further after treatment sessions are complete.

5. You may feel tired after your first few sessions.

    It is common to feel exhausted following Rolfing treatments but this is usually temporary and typically lasts for a couple of days at most. This does not necessarily mean that the treatment was ineffective, it just means that you were able to release some tension in your body which can take quite a bit out of you. Have no fear though because once you have had several sessions you will be back on track with energy levels similar to before starting therapy.

6. Rolfing can help your body heal from injury.

    Rolfing focuses on realigning muscles and connective tissue to relieve pain and prevent future injuries. The goal is for the client to maintain a healthy posture, even when they are not under treatment by a Rolfer. This decreases the long-term chances of getting injured again later down the road.

7. Rolfing can be a life-changing experience for some people.

    Many clients who receive Rolfing report feeling like they have more energy and less pain after treatment sessions are complete, which is why this therapy has become so popular over the years. It requires commitment from both therapists and the client because it takes time to work but once you see results there’s no going back.

    We hope our 7 quick tips about Rolfing have helped answer your questions and that you feel more informed. If you’re curious to learn more or would like to speak with one of our experts, please don’t hesitate to call us. Our team is always happy to chat.

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