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5 Common Misconceptions About Acupressure

Written by Chris Corrales

April 19, 2022

Acupressure is a form of alternative medicine that has been around for centuries. Unfortunately, there are many common misconceptions about acupressure that prevent people from experiencing its benefits. In this post, we will dispel five of the most common myths about acupressure and explain why they are inaccurate. Are you ready to learn the truth about this ancient practice? Keep reading!

Acupressure is often confused with acupuncture, which involves applying needles to the pressure points. Acupressure doesn’t involve needles, only gentle massage of the body’s pressure points – acupressure is a needle-free zone, so have no fear!

Acupressure has proven to be effective in treating health conditions such as back pain, osteoarthritis, headaches, and menopause symptoms. It has been practiced for centuries; it is believed that acupressure originated around 100 BC, as part of Chinese traditional medicine.

In the past decade, acupressure has become increasingly popular in the rest of the world and it is now a well-known treatment option. But still, we often find people stressing over their first acupressure session.


5 Common Misconceptions about Acupressure

When it comes to acupressure, there are a lot of misconceptions floating around. Some people think it’s some sort of ancient healing practice that’s been passed down for generations. Others think that it’s some sort of “new age” therapy that doesn’t work. In reality, acupressure is a form of massage that uses pressure instead of fingers to stimulate certain points on the body. It can be used to relieve pain and tension, and can even help treat certain medical conditions. Here are 5 common misconceptions about acupressure: 


1. Acupressure is extremely painful.

Everyone’s pain levels are different and one might experience pain differently than others, but it’s safe to say that acupressure is painless. After a session, you might feel soreness at the pressure points but that is nothing to worry about. It’s all part of the process! Acupressure works by moving energy that is blocked at each pressure point, as the blocked energy is released you’ll begin to feel more energized and refreshed.


2. Acupressure results aren’t instant.

Another myth is that results of acupressure aren’t instant and it takes a long time to finally start seeing results. This is not true, you can start experiencing the benefits of acupressure after just one session. Depending on the severity of your problem and how your body reacts to the treatment, results can appear quickly. You may even experience immediate relief from a symptom, such as headaches or back pain. An acupressure massage is designed to relax you and act as a natural form of pain relief, helping to alleviate symptoms.

3. Acupressure doesn’t work

Then there’s the belief that acupressure doesn’t work at all. We can tell you confidently: it works, and there are clinical studies to evidence it! A 2016 study found that women experienced a higher sleep quality when performing acupressure on themselves before going to bed. So if sleep quality is something you struggle with acupressure could be the answer.

Give acupressure a chance, go to that first session, and experience it for yourself. Once you start experiencing the amazing results, you will love it as much as we do. 


4. It’s part of ancient folklore and nonsense

Acupressure is ancient, as it has been around for over 2000 years. However, saying that it’s folklore, nonsense, or not legitimate is not true. Even though acupressure descends from Chinese philosophy, the principles of acupressure are firmly grounded in science. In 2017 Columbia University recommended acupressure as therapy for patients having chemotherapy, due to the scientific benefits that acupressure has on reducing feelings of nausea, high blood pressure, and sleep quality.


5. Acupressure conflicts with other medicines

The final myth we want to dispel is the belief that acupressure conflicts with other medicines. This is incorrect as acupressure does not interfere with other forms of medication or treatment you might be receiving for an illness. It can often complement other treatments and offer additional relief.

Acupressure is a holistic therapy, which means it focuses on the entire body and not just one specific area. It is a natural form of pain relief and can offer many benefits with regular sessions.

If you’re curious about acupressure but have some reservations, we hope this article has helped clear up some of the common misconceptions. Acupressure is a powerful tool that can provide relief for a variety of issues when used correctly. If you’re interested in giving it a try, please call us today and one of our experts will be happy to answer any questions and help you get started with your personalized treatment plan. Thanks for reading!

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