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What Are Muscle Knots and What Should You Do About Them?

Written by Chris Corrales

November 30, 2022

If you’ve ever had a muscle cramp, you know just how painful it can be. But what are muscle knots and why do they happen? In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of muscle knots and what you can do to get relief from the pain.

What Are Muscle Knots?

Muscle knots, also known as myofascial trigger points, are areas of tight muscle fibers that form within muscles. They can be painful and cause discomfort in the affected area. Muscle knots commonly occur when a muscle is overused or strained.

What Causes Muscle Knots?

There are several factors that can lead to the formation of muscle knots. Here are some:

1. Repeated Motions

Repetitive motions, such as typing or lifting weights, can cause muscle knots to form.

2. Poor Posture

Sitting or standing with poor posture can lead to tension in the muscles and the formation of knots.

3. Stress

Chronic stress can lead to tightness in the muscles and eventual knotting.

4. Injury

An injury in the affected area can cause a muscle knot to form as the body tries to heal itself.

Should You Be Worried?

While muscle knots can be uncomfortable, they are usually harmless and do not cause any long-term damage. However, if the knot doesn’t go away after a few days or is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, it’s best to seek medical advice.

How Can You Get Relief From Muscle Knots?

There are several methods that can help to reduce the pain and discomfort caused by muscle knots.

1. Massage

A massage can help to relax tight muscles and relieve the tension that may be causing the knot to form.

2. Stretching

Doing regular stretches can help to reduce the tightness in your muscles and alleviate knotting.

3. Heat Application

Applying heat to the affected area can help to increase blood flow to the muscle and reduce pain.

4. Foam Rolling

Rolling a foam roller over tight muscles can help to release tension and ease the pain from knots.

5. Rest

Taking time to rest and allow your body to recover can help to reduce the pain from muscle knots.

What If Muscle Knots Do Not Go Away?

If the muscle knot does not go away after trying these methods, it may be best to seek medical advice. Your doctor can recommend further treatments such as physical therapy or medications to help relieve the pain from muscle knots.

Muscle knots can be incredibly painful and uncomfortable, but there are ways to get relief from them. By doing regular stretches, applying heat, and getting massages, you can help to reduce the tension in your muscles and alleviate the knotting. If the pain persists, it is recommended that you speak with your doctor or a physical therapist for further advice.

By understanding the causes of muscle knots and taking steps to reduce tension in the muscles, you can start to get relief from them. With regular preventative measures and proper treatment, you can help to keep muscle knots away.

Are You Experiencing Pain But Don’t Know Where To Turn For Help?

MedicinEvolution Bodywork Beyond Massage gives athletes and desk professionals answers to their pain problems. Body imbalances, repetitive use, and lack of movement cause many injuries and pain. Beyond Ergonomics helps you discover your imbalances and create change. MedicinEvolution’s purpose is to reduce pain and other symptoms that you haven’t had luck with. MedicinEvolution Bodywork Beyond Massage is the solution for many problems plaguing your body.  Make your appointment today!

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