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5 Signs you Need to See a Massage Therapist for Knots In Muscles

Man stretching outdoor

Written by Chris Corrales

November 30, 2022

Do you have knots in your muscles? If so, you may need to see a massage therapist. Many people experience knots in their muscles from time to time, and it can be very uncomfortable. In this blog post, we will discuss the five signs that you need to see a massage therapist for knots in your muscles. We will also provide some tips on how to prevent these knots from forming.

Muscle knots are small, tight areas of muscle that can cause pain and discomfort. The medical term for these is myofascial trigger points. These knots can be caused by physical activity, poor posture, stress, or even dehydration. When a knot forms in a muscle, it can create tenderness and stiffness in the area. It can also limit the range of motion and cause inflammation.

Signs You Need To See A Massage Therapist For Knots In Muscles

Sign #1: Chronic Pain

If you are experiencing chronic pain in your muscles, it could be a sign that you need to see a massage therapist for knots in your muscles. These knots can cause tension and inflammation in the area, which can lead to pain and discomfort. A massage therapist can help to loosen up the muscle tissue and reduce the inflammatory response, helping to reduce pain and make you more comfortable.

Sign #2: Stiffness

If you are feeling stiffness in your muscles or joints, this could also be a sign that you have knots in the area. When knots form, they can cause tightness and decreased range of motion. A massage therapist can help to break up these knots so that you can move freely and comfortably.

Sign #3: Reduced Mobility

If you are having difficulty moving or if your range of motion is limited, this could be due to knots in your muscles. A massage therapist can help to release these knots, allowing for better mobility and flexibility.

Sign #4: Tenderness

If you are experiencing tenderness in your muscles, this could be due to knots forming in the area. A massage therapist can help to alleviate this tenderness and reduce inflammation.

Sign #5: Trigger Points

Trigger points are small, tender areas of muscle that can cause pain when pressure is applied. If you have trigger points in your muscles, this could be a sign that you have knots forming. A massage therapist can help to release these knots and reduce pain.

If you are experiencing any of the above signs, it may be time to see a massage therapist for knots in your muscles. Massage therapy is an effective way to treat muscle knots and reduce pain and discomfort. If you are looking for a massage therapist, be sure to do your research and find one that is experienced and qualified to help you. With the right treatment, you can enjoy relief from muscle knots.

By following these tips and seeing a massage therapist when necessary, you can help prevent knots in your muscles from forming and reduce pain and discomfort.

Are You Experiencing Pain But Don’t Know Where To Turn For Help?

MedicinEvolution Bodywork Beyond Massage gives athletes and desk professionals answers to their pain problems. Body imbalances, repetitive use, and lack of movement cause many injuries and pain. Beyond Ergonomics helps you discover your imbalances and create change. MedicinEvolution’s purpose is to reduce pain and other symptoms that you haven’t had luck with. MedicinEvolution Bodywork Beyond Massage is the solution for many problems plaguing your body.  Make your appointment today!

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