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Meet Chris Corrales of MedicinEvolution: Your Partner in Overcoming Chronic Pain



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Are You Ready to Move Beyond Pain?

If you’re here, it’s likely that pain has become a part of your daily life—persistent, overwhelming, and frustrating. You might be asking yourself, “Is this really how it’s going to be?” But what if you didn’t have to just manage the symptoms? What if you could truly understand the root causes of your pain and finally break free?

That’s where I come in. My name is Chris Corrales, and I’m here to help you do more than just cope with your pain—I’m here to help you overcome it, for good.

Why Choose Chris Corrales and MedicinEvolution?

I’ve dedicated my life to helping people like you find relief from chronic pain. Whether you’re trying to avoid surgery, recovering from an injury, or simply want to reclaim your life, my unique approach blends modern pain neuroscience with hands-on therapy and functional movement coaching.

But more than that, I believe in reconnecting you with your body. After years of living in pain, many people feel disconnected, frustrated, and unsure if they’ll ever feel “normal” again. My goal is to change that narrative. I want to inspire, enlighten, and empower you to not only get out of pain but to stay out of it—so you can live a life you never thought possible.


Chris Corrales Owner of MedicinEvolution background
Massage therapist in Dublin, California, Massage, deep tissue, sportsÊmassage, labrum tear, lordosis, neuro-muscular, hip pain, shoulder pain
Massage therapist in Dublin, California, Massage, deep tissue, sportsÊmassage, labrum tear, lordosis, neuro-muscular, hip pain, shoulder pain, ROLF
Chris Corrales MedicinEvolution Massage Therapist expert

My Approach: Holistic, Personal, and Effective

I understand that the thought of diving into the root causes of your pain can seem daunting, especially if you’ve tried and been let down before. Maybe you’ve spent months, even years, in therapy with little to show for it, or you’ve undergone surgery only to have the symptoms return. I know the frustration that comes with false promises and plateaued progress.

That’s why my approach is different. I’m not just treating symptoms—I’m helping you understand the deeper causes of your pain. Together, we’ll create new movement patterns and strategies that will forever change how you experience your body. What once felt mysterious and out of reach will become clear and accessible, transforming your everyday life.



The Journey
That Led Me Here

My passion for healing began when I was just nine years old, after losing my favorite aunt to cancer. From that moment, I knew I wanted to make a difference in the world, to heal and help others. This led me to study Homeopathic medicine for six years, honing my skills in listening deeply and seeing beyond mere symptoms.

I’m also a proud husband and father to six incredible children, each of whom has taught me more about resilience, strength, and the importance of living fully. My family is my anchor and my inspiration in everything I do.

My journey has taken me from the dirt roads of San Diego, where I grew up surrounded by goats and chickens, to the deserts of Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Mauritania, and Yemen, where I deepened my spiritual practice and converted to Islam. I’ve also earned a black belt in jiu-jitsu and represented Abu Dhabi in the first World Jiu-Jitsu tournament in Rio De Janeiro.
Throughout all these experiences, my goal has remained the same: to embody self-agency and change so that I can help others do the same.


A Leader in the Pain Management Community

In addition to my private practice, I’ve volunteered at the San Diego Pain Summit for three years, connecting with thought leaders and experts in pain management. I’ve also served on the Board of Directors for the International Association of Structural Integrators, where I’m currently the secretary and serve on the Law and Regulation committee.

Many have heard me say, “The true challenge of medicine in our age is to find the level of the disturbance and to treat the issue there. To increase the body’s structure, function, and adaptability is true health. The most powerful tool in this regard is to use gravity as the organizing principle that guides and informs the body in all of its processes.”


Ready to Begin Your Journey?

If you’re ready to take the next step towards a life free from chronic pain, I’m here to guide you every step of the way. Together, we can uncover the root causes of your pain, develop a personalized plan, and help you rediscover the joy of living in a body that feels strong, capable, and pain-free.

Take a moment to think of what your life would look like without chronic pain. Then, take the next moment to contact me here at MedicinEvolution to get that vision to become your reality. I look forward to connecting with you and helping you take your life to a new, pain-free level, where you can once again focus on your future goals and the steps you need to take to achieve them.


Chris Corrales Massage Therapist Dublin California
Massage therapist in Dublin, California USA

You know that pain you’re experiencing?


There’s a story behind that.
You can get out of it quickly and completely.

Let’s change that story and create a new version.I’ll show you how.



Chris Corrales MedicinEvolution




Bodywork Beyond Massage

“The true challenge of medicine in our age is to find the level of the disturbance and to treat the issue there. To increase the body’s structure, function, and adaptability is true health. The most powerful tool in this regard is to use gravity as the organizing principle that guides and informs the body in all of its processes.”

MedicinEvolution Bodywork Beyond Massage Massage therapist Dublin, CA Sports massage therapist Dublin, CA Holistic medicine practitioner Dublin, CA, ROLF practictioner Dublin, CA

“Going downstairs was especially difficult and very painful. It sometimes took me minutes to stand up in the morning because my knees were so uncomfortable. This was almost certainly the result of heavy leg lifts and running 20 miles a week in fairly steep hills.

Now, not only can I easily negotiate stairs again, but I have recently jogged with zero after effects, an outstanding improvement that simply wasn’t possible before!!

Oliver P.

Livermore, California


MedicinEvolution Bodywork Beyond Massage Massage therapist Dublin, CA Sports massage therapist Dublin, CA Holistic medicine practitioner Dublin, CA, ROLF practictioner Dublin, CA

“I pinched a nerve in my shoulder that caused great pain to my shoulder/arm.

Ibuprofen and acetaminophen provided only temporary pain relief. A visit to my general practitioner resulted in a cortisone shot; again pain relief, but not a long-term solution.

The program was an interesting experience. Until then, I was basically a person with pretty poor awareness of how my body felt and how everything was interconnected. Going through it helped me understand things better. I’d never realized how ‘tight’ my body had become.”

Keith Young

Oakland, California


MedicinEvolution Bodywork Beyond Massage Massage therapist Dublin, CA Sports massage therapist Dublin, CA Holistic medicine practitioner Dublin, CA, ROLF practictioner Dublin, CA

“After 20 years of back pain, I thought I had tried everything, including surgery, and nothing had worked long term until I met Chris!

I learned a lot about my body (and it’s connection to my brain).

I’m now running regularly again, back in strength training class, and hiking every weekend, working my way up to a steep 14-mile hike that I completed PAIN-FREE.”

Vicki Lombardo

Pleasanton, California
